Sunday 9 August 2015


Dear Ed.
I know it has been a while since I last squeaked you a message but without you around there is no one to remind me on a daily basis that things need to be remembered, so I just forget, and sleep a lot instead.
I have lost a bit of weight now, I kinda feel SEXY! I only have podge on my thighs now.

Today my Lady woke up at a really rodent time... I'm sure she is becoming like us and prefers the night. She got me out for ages! we were in the marshmallow room and she was chasing me with her pretend rat (her hand). I  had quite some fun. And to top it off I got a massage, have you ever had one??? Oh wow I nearly fell asleep, If it wasn't for her terrible Disney playlist I think I would have. I am not sure what she was thinking when she put famous track sung by lions and cats on for me... you would think she would have considered my feelings.

Hopefully she will share her dinner with me later, I haven't had ham in a while and it makes me feel....hamless =[

Love you always bud,

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